coffee valve said coffee shop in Guangzhou two

05 Oct 2017

Even if the lively city will have quiet beauty of the corner, these personality is a small corner is usually relatively low-key, need to find heart. coffee valve Jun takes you look for the Canton corner of the petty bourgeoisie, hoping to make you in the sunny afternoon, the corner met the United States. The existence of each cafe is unique.

Open in the coffee shop fashion clothing store

[Supin living shop] Drinking coffee while trying clothes, tea intermittent tours of flowers, reading tired to pick furniture, try the food can also nest in the sofa to take a nap, from afternoon to night, the Supin living shop are arranged, the most suitable for lazy people to this a full and good weekend. Like coffee can come to a single product, through the filter paper bit by bit out of the coffee, each brewing out of the taste are different, this is the fun of hand coffee.

Go to the lab to drink coffee with a beaker

[Nie name laboratory] Do you have a coffee shop where you can do your own experiment? There is one here! - Nie name laboratory, a chemical experiment as the theme of the cafe. Chemical equipment to do cups, drinks can also be modulated according to their own tastes, fun and delicious, in a number of small children in the new language loft style to kill the blood of the road. First put Espresso in the test tube, syrup installed in the measuring cup, with a glass rod drainage, and can be free to add their own according to their own milk and sugar, bring interesting at the same time, the aroma of coffee is also particularly attractive.

coffee valve said coffee shop in Guangzhou two

Tag: coffee valve

Originally published 05 Oct 2017, updated 05 Oct 2017.


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Consider using packaging with one way degassing valve to help maintain the freshness of the pet food and extend its effective feeding period to improve the quality.

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The external oxygen will be stopped from entering the bag, so that the package is in a working state, thereby protecting the freshness of the food in the bag.

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