one-way degassing valve coffee ingredients

21 Nov 2017

Coffee beans are the raw material of coffee, many people maybe in the coffee shop drink coffee, he did not really done, following one way degassing valve to teach you how to brew delicious mellow coffee, must be a series of factors with.

Coffee beans: want to brew a cup of mellow coffee, in addition to brewing skills, the most important thing is to buy good quality coffee beans. In the purchase should also pay attention to the color of beans and particles are uniform size, good coffee beans not only shiny appearance, and with a strong aroma and not mixed into the smell.

The degree of grinding: according to the coffee machine used to do the correct grinding, grinding can be divided into three stages: coarse grinding, grinding, and fine grinding. Coarse ground coffee for filter coffee pot (American traditional brew), medium grinding coffee suitable for follicular, flannel filter, siphon coffee maker brewing methods, fine grinding is the most suitable for coffee distiller (Also known as water droplets coffee machine). And to remind you that the shorter the brewing time, grinding the particles should be more detailed. Because the smaller the particles, and hot water contact area larger, so brewing time is shorter.

Fresh and warm water: 97% of the coffee are water, only with good water to brew out the original coffee aroma and rich. It is best to use filtered water to brew coffee. Do not boil the coffee, because the boiling water will make the coffee bitter, but also note that the water temperature should be slightly lower than 96 degrees Celsius.

Coffee is best not to reheat. Brewing should pay attention only to cook the amount of each time, and the best just when drinking. The best drinking temperature for coffee is 85 degrees Celsius.

one-way degassing valve coffee ingredients

Tag: one way degassing valve

Originally published 21 Nov 2017, updated 21 Nov 2017.


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