one way degassing valve said tea and coffee

20 Sep 2017

Do you know tea and coffee, which is better? Today, one way degassing valve with you to compare these two drinks:

1.Refreshing effect. Although the caffeine content in a cup of tea is less than half the caffeine contained in a cup of coffee of the same capacity, the refreshing effect of the two beverages in the subsequent time is surprisingly similar after drinking tea or coffee. Therefore, the two drinks in the role of refreshing this level is getting a draw.

2.Sleep quality. Tea and coffee both can provide many same benefits, but the tea does not cause insomnia, in this round, tea obviously win.

3.Teeth coloring. People who often drink tea and coffee will be stained with a layer of dim yellow or brown. Studies have shown that tea natural dyes are more likely to adhere to enamel than coffee. Therefore, the coloring of tea is stronger.

4.Soothe the nerves. Tea and coffee for the body to provide some nutrients, can reduce the stress response, and promote long-term mental health. Both soothing effect are much the same.

5.Good health. Drinking a few cups of tea every day can reduce the risk of diabetes. The nutrients of tea and coffee are improving the metabolism, so that it can be efficient treatment of blood sugar. Coffee and tea on the heart to play a protective role, both beneficial to health.

Therefore, from the point of beneficial sleep, tea is better than coffee.

one way degassing valve said tea and coffee

Tag: one way degassing valve

Originally published 20 Sep 2017, updated 20 Sep 2017.


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