one way valve coffee varieties history

30 Jun 2017

Today one way valve would like to tell you that the history of Arabica, Bourbon, Typica coffee trees.

Arabica coffee we drink much more, then you know what is its origin? Arabica coffee tree from the current Ethiopia as a starting point, and then later spread to Yemen. With the continuous spread of Indonesia's Java Island and other places also began to try to plant coffee tree.

At that time Bourbon was there. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the coffee trees planted on the Java were introduced into the botanical gardens of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Coffee trees were widely spread in France and the French colonies belonging to the West Indonesia and Central America, South Africa and other places. It was that time, the French East Indonesia was at this time began in the Bourbon Island, that is now the reunion island to plant coffee tree. This is the source of the Bourbon.

The origin of the emperor is very interesting and were made by a French colonel brought the trees to Martinique. Today, Hawaii, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and other places are widely planted.

Now, with the help of drugs, adjust the number of chromosomes, the Arabica and Robusta species have been able to match, because Robusta species have resistance of plant pests diseases, so the hybrid new varieties, can be planted around the world. It is a good new for the vast number of coffee fans.

one way valve coffee varieties history

Tag: one way valve

Originally published 30 Jun 2017, updated 30 Jun 2017.


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