One Way Valve Lonely Cafe

21 Feb 2017

"The most lonely Cafe located on top of the iceberg, everywhere is surrounded by mountains, in Snow gleams white., such a unique place, taste a cup of coffee, one way valve was wondering what kind of experience would it be?

One Way Valve Lonely Cafe

In Sichuan Province, Heishui , Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, on Dagu glacier scenic area in the glacier, at an elevation of 4860 meters, there is a cafe, from 2015 June to start building, built in October of the same year, and officially started business in 2016 January.

One Way Valve Lonely Cafe

Sitting in the cafe, you can see around a Snow gleams white. through the glass window, 360 degrees around the mountain view, there are many tourists because of its unique and come here. The tourists take the cable car, all the way to watch the vast mountains, quiet forest, finally reaches above sea level 4860 meters of Dagu glacier.

One Way Valve Lonely Cafe

The equipment and the heating system of constant indoor temperature of oxygen in the cafe, the tourists do not need to worry about to place such a high altitude because of the thin air and not adapt, but you can better and more comfortable rest here, tasting the delicious coffee, watching the snow capped mountains and beautiful scenery.

One Way Valve Lonely Cafe

Dagu glacier in the scenic area is located in the glacier is a rare place, like a hidden in the mountains of the householder, is still not known, until 1992 by satellite was found. So this cafe is also known as "the most lonely cafe".

Tag: one way valve

Originally published 21 Feb 2017, updated 21 Feb 2017.


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