one way valve said coffee disadvantage

17 Oct 2017

Do you know what's disadvantage with coffee?

1.Timely, caffeine helps to increase vigilance, sensitivity, memory and concentration. But drinking more than you used to drink the amount of coffee, it will produce similar consumption of the same dose of stimulants, can cause nervousness. For those who tend to anxiety disorders, caffeine will lead to hand sweating, palpitations, tinnitus these symptoms worse.

2.Increased high blood pressure, caffeine because of its own analgesic effect, often with other simple analgesic compound, but a large number of long-term use, if you have high blood pressure, the use of a large number of caffeine will only make your situation is more serious. Because the caffeine alone can make blood pressure rise, if coupled with emotional stress, it will produce a dangerous multiplication effect, therefore, the risk of high blood pressure in particular, should avoid the work of high pressure when drinking caffeine-containing drinks.

3.Induced osteoporosis, caffeine itself has a very good diuretic effect, if a long time and a lot of coffee, easily lead to bone loss, the preservation of bone mass will have a negative impact for women, may increase the threat of osteoporosis. But the premise is that the usual food in the lack of adequate intake of calcium, or not always moving people, coupled with menopausal women, due to lack of estrogen caused by calcium loss, these conditions plus a lot of coffee Because it may cause a threat to the bone.

one way valve to tell you, it should be noted that in the choice of coffee, are not excessive, to prevent harm to their own.

one way valve said coffee disadvantage

Tag: one way valve

Originally published 17 Oct 2017, updated 17 Oct 2017.


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